More than +10 projects
that I have made with passion 💜

My projects

A list of my latest projects.

Mis proyectos

Lista de mis ultimos proyectos.

Werbsite | Global Technologies

**Work in progress**
Tech stacks: HTML, SCSS, JavaSCript, Bootstrap
Goal: Optimize website: fix errors, improve functionality, translate to Spanish.
Mobile responsive ✔️ | Portfolio

Tech stacks: HTML, SCSS, CSS, and JavaSCript
Goal: Showcase my skills and experiences effectively.
Mobile responsive ✔️

Terms & conditions |

Tech stacks: HTML, CSS, and JavaSCript
Goal: Optimize the accessibility of legal information and print document for users.
Mobile responsive ✔️

EncoreGym website

Tech stacks: HTML, CSS, and JavaSCript
Goal: Create a functional gym website for EncoreGym.
Mobile responsive ✔️

Our stores |

Tech stacks: HTML, SCSS, CSS, and JavaSCript
Goal: Build a responsive "our stores" page for client
Mobile responsive ✔️

Final project JS 1 | College

Tech stacks: HTML, CSS, and JavaSCript
Goal: To deliver the final project to my 1st term javaScript course.
Mobile responsive ✔️

MEETpeople website

Tech stacks: HTML, SCSS, CSS, and JavaSCript
Goal: Create a functional website for meeting people MEETpeople web.
Mobile responsive ✔️

Offers timer |

Tech stacks: HTML, CSS, and JavaSCript
Goal: Build a responsive timer component for client
Mobile responsive ✔️

Slot machine | College

Tech stacks: HTML, CSS, and JavaSCript
Goal: To deliver a midterm project for javaScript course.
Mobile responsive ✔️

Catalogs |

Tech stacks: HTML, CSS
Goal: Build a responsive "catalogs" page for client
Mobile responsive ✔️

Benefits |

Tech stacks: HTML, CSS
Goal: Build a responsive component "benefits" for client
Mobile responsive ✔️